Trabants - Mantra

 "Mantra" and "Surfers On Acid" represent the culmination of Trabants’ exploration into the fusion of instrumental surf and psychedelic rock, producing a definitive sound that feels both timeless and refreshingly experimental. "Mantra" channels the raw energy of the '60s with intense fuzz effects, setting the tone for a vivid auditory experience that invites listeners to embark on their own psychedelic journey. With its immersive and meditative quality, "Mantra" serves as a sonic temple, a space where the essence of love and personal reflection merge to create a profound sense of connection. The song encourages listeners to find their inner mantra, suggesting that through deep listening, one can unlock a deeper understanding of themselves.

"Surfers On Acid" builds on the adventurous spirit of "Mantra," taking listeners on a trip through otherworldly surfscapes. With its roots in vintage guitar effects and classic surf tones, this track demonstrates the band's commitment to authenticity while pushing the boundaries of the genre. Trabants’ leader, Eric Penna, meticulously searched for the perfect combination of equipment, eventually finding an original Tychobrahe Octavia and pairing it with a vintage Fender Showman amplifier. This careful selection of gear allowed him to transform his creative vision into a tangible sound, giving "Surfers On Acid" its unique character. Together, these two tracks create a thrilling and immersive musical experience, capturing the essence of both surf and psychedelia in a way that feels innovative yet timeless.