Oh Sees - Panther Rotate (2020) | Weirdo Hairdo (2020)

 In the swirling & undulant warm mud of jettisoned reels of magnetic tape, blurps up the fog of reinvention. Every night I would parley with my pilots and run and rerun the recordings. Right up until the moment sleep slips its veil over eyes and ears and you drift back without a sound. Protean Threat dream haze becomes Panther Rotate in the other dimension. 

A companion LP of remixes, field recordings, and sonic experiments using all sounds generated by the hum and crackle of the desert farm.

A second version of our “Protean Threat” if you will, but barely conspicuous in its relation. Forward, never straight! Sunrise, sunset. Two lives connected by a cosmic thread, One for your feet and one for your head.

Available on Castle Face Records