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The Macks - The Macks Are A Knife

 Portland-based rock band The Macks have released their fifth LP, "The Macks are a Knife" (TMAAK), showcasing their evolution into a more playful, conversational, yet intentional sound. This album captures the essence of who The Macks truly are, with a blend of live energy and recorded precision that highlights their growth. Known for their dynamic live performances led by frontman Sam Fulwiler, The Macks deliver a record that is both fresh and familiar, embodying the raw power and spirit of their music.

The band consists of brothers Ben (guitar) and Josef Windheim (drums), Sam Fulwiler (vocals), Jake Perris (keys), and Aidan "Harry" Harrison (bass). Having started in 2015, Fulwiler and the Windheim brothers have built a strong foundation, with Perris and Harrison joining during their third LP, "Rabbit," in 2022. Their latest album, TMAAK, reflects a matured sound driven by self-trust and alignment among the members. This cohesiveness allows them to explore new musical territories while maintaining the energy and bite characteristic of their earlier work.

Produced by Ben Windheim, TMAAK defies the notion that rock should adhere to a single style, instead offering a diverse and virtuosic collection of tracks. The opening song, "I Just Surfaced," immerses listeners into the Mack-verse with relentless energy, followed by the impactful single "Nice." Each song on the album stands on its own, yet collectively, they form a cohesive narrative rich with lyrical depth and innovative musical twists. The album concludes with the unexpected yet fitting track "Ranchero," embodying the band's knack for surprising their audience while staying true to their roots.

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