BEAK> - >>>>

 Beak> albums are rare, but each release captures a unique moment in time, creating a series of elegies for the present. With the unexpected announcement and release of >>>> today, Beak> presents another snapshot of a distinct era, frozen in time while simultaneously hurtling towards an unseen future. This album, designed to be "head music" rather than headphone music, is meant to be experienced as a cohesive whole, with no singles or promotional tracks preceding it.

The album's creation began in the remote setting of Pen Y Bryn in Talsarnau, Wales, amidst the lingering strangeness of the Covid era. The band, isolated with only themselves and a distant view of Portmeirion, started their work. The opening track, "Strawberry Line," pays tribute to their late furry friend Alfie Barrow, featured on the album cover. Recording continued at Invada Studios in Bristol while they toured Europe and the Americas. After extensive touring, the band felt disconnected from their original sound, prompting a return to their roots, with no expectations, simply playing together as they did on their first album.

Invada Records | +