Firefriend - Sulfur

From the wreckage and ashes of Brazil, FIREFRIEND returns with a new album to alter reality -- an album made for those who don’t fit in; for the outsiders and dropouts, the unknown ghosts from the past, and the anti-heroes of the future; for those who have lost everything and want to escape the binds that keep us earthbound. 

SULFUR, released on vinyl by Little Cloud Records (PORTLAND, OREGON - USA), challenges perception with hefty soundscapes that repair broken bridges and seal ancient bonds that were severed long ago. Its music cuts through our basic human savagery ---- no matter who, what, or where it's from ---- to unfold space and time into a plane that knows no heaven, no hell, no kings, no borders! 

Julia Grassetti (bass, vox, keyboards), C. Amaral (drums, synth, harmonica), and Yury Hermuche (guitar, vox) met ten years ago in the shadowy, noisy, experimental underground of their filthy hometown, São Paulo. In support of SULFUR, the band will tour North America in August and September of 2018!

Release Date: April 6, 2018
on Little Cloud Records